Rina Lifestyle Blog WordPress

- Customize Ashe Child Theme

- Turn Mockup into actual code CSS and HTML

- Newsletter integration

- Custom Template creation

- Platform: Upwork

  • WordPress
  • CSS
  • HTML

JuztClick Translation Agency with WordPress

- Customize Ocean WP Child Theme

- Integrate WooCommerce and Modify Woo Plugins

- UI to meet client requirements

- Platform: Upwork

  • CSS
  • WordPress
  • PHP

Alberto Borea with WordPress

- Turn Wireframes into pixel perfect CSS ( 90's style design )

- Custom fields with PHP and ACF plugin

- Carousel and Lighbox-Carousel functionality with jQuery

- Screen Saver mode with JavaScript. Deployment and Optimization

- Platform: Upwork

  • WordPress
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • CSS

Quality Audit Solutions with WordPress

- Removed Contact Form from every page

- Modified Templates and Content

- Fix CSS Layout bugs, and redesign

- Platform: Upwork

  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • CSS

Anna Davis with WordPress

- Customize CSS and content with a Sydney Child Theme on WordPress

- Template creation, Plugin customization, Deployment, SEO

- Private Client

  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • CSS
  • jQuery

Neighborhood Map

- Single page app with KnockoutJS MVVM pattern

- Use of 3rd party API, Google Maps and FourSquare

- Mobily First design approach

- Udacity Course

  • KnockoutJS
  • jQuery
  • CSS
  • Google API

Frogger Arcade Game Clone

- HTML5 Canvas and CSS for styling

- JavaScript engine

- OOP paradigm

- Udacity Course

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • OOP
  • HTML5 Canvas

Feedreader Testing

- Writing unit tests with Jasmine

- Udacity Course

  • Jasmine
  • JavaScript